10 Blogging Mistakes That Can Reduce Your Blog Traffic

 In this post, we will know about 10 blogging mistakes. These blogging mistakes must be avoided by every blogger. To get unlimited traffic from the blog. If you are a blogger. And won't avoid these blogging mistakes, then sometimes you see. Your traffic is down continuously.

But we all know traffic is very important for a website. Without traffic, you can't able to earn. We all are working to make money. So always avoid these mistakes.

We see in Today World. There are lots of bloggers. Everyone wants to be a blogger. They want to earn money through blogging. Due to the boost of bloggers, competition is increased.

That is why we need to do more efforts to rank our website. Because if we won't work hard in SEO. Then the ranking of our website is downed. On the downside, the total numbers of visitors are limited.

This is the reason we need to do lots of hard work. Because we all know hard work is the key to success. With the hard works, we capture millions of users. More the number of visitors. More the number of pages view. Then your earning should also be more.

So, No blogger would want his traffic to be down. If you want to increase your traffic. Then always avoid these 10 Mistakes. Because these mistakes down the traffic of website.

Common Blogging Mistakes

1. Publish Articles on a Regular Basis

Every new blogger usually did the same mistakes. They won't post articles on regular basis. In the starting, they published lots of articles. But after few days. When traffic is not coming on their site. Due to low traffic, their morale becomes down. They stop publishing articles. These are major blogging mistakes.

But they need to understand in starting blogging takes time. They don't know about keywords and the placement of keywords. They use high difficulty keywords. They also not much know about SEO.

That is why traffic decreases on their website gradually.
So, If you want to increase the traffic of your site. Then you need to published articles on regular basis. If you published articles on regular basis. Then the traffic of your website increases.

2. SEO of Article

We all know in organic traffic SEO plays an important role. Some of the bloggers did lots of hard work in their starting. But when their site rank in the google. 

They don't do more focus on SEO. Due to overconfidence. They think their article rank on its own. Now no need to do SEO. This is the huge mistake of a blogger. We should need to do SEO in every article.

3. Attractive and Related  Heading

Many bloggers are irresponsible towards headings. They don't know keywords must include in headings. Because we all know H1 H2 H3 and H4 plays important role in SEO.

These faults bear the traffic of our website. Always try to use attractive and related heading in articles. Some of the users used irrelevant heading on their posts. Avoid such kind of silly mistakes.

With the help of an attractive heading the number of visitors to your website increases.
Always try to use attractive and related heading.

4. Mobile Friendly Website

In the current scenario, most of the users are mobile users. Because we all know in a current situation everybody having a smartphone. Smart is portable. We can carry it in our pocket. On other hand, we can't carry a laptop everywhere. So the traffic in the blog is most from Mobile Device.

That is why we need to give more emphasis to mobile users. Provide user-friendly navigation to Mobile Users. Your website should be responsive.

Always try to install a mobile-friendly theme. If you are irresponsible about the mobile users. Then you have gone lose all your mobile users.

Always try to build a mobile-friendly website. Try to avoid unnecessary design. Make your website simple and attractive.

You have seen that big organization. Such as Google, Facebook and Twitter, and so on having a simple design. Because in the case of simple design the load time is less. 

Load Time is very helpful in the ranking of your website. The website with less load time index fast in the Google.

5. Promotion of Article

There are lots of ways to get traffic on your website. And social media is the best way to get traffic. with the help of social media, you can get free traffic on your website.

After writing the article share your post on social media. Join the different groups and create your own group on social media. 

You see after promotion people know more about your website. They love to visit your website on a regular basis. If you solved their problems. And provide them quality content.

6. Quality Content

If you want to get more traffic on your website. The best way is to write quality content. Always try to write quality content for users. Don't write your article for monetization. Always try to write your article for users. Because users visit your site. 

Once you get approval from Ads Network. But there is no quality content on your site. Then no one visits your site. And there is no benefit of monetization approval. Without traffic, you are unable to earn money.

To write quality content on a regular basis. And share your content on social media.

7. Keyword Research

In starting, bloggers do lots of hard work in keyword research. When their website ranks. They stop keyword research. Due to overconfidence, they thoughts. Now need to do on-page SEO. And keyword research.

If you write an article without keyword research.  Then you see it's a total waste of effort. Keywords and Keyword placement play important role in on-page SEO.

Don't stuff lots of keywords on your articles. Because if you use so many keywords in your article. Then it down your ranking instead of boosting your ranking.

8. Length of Article

We all know in the ranking length of the article matters. But don't try to increase the article length by adding an unnecessary paragraph.

Because no one having time to read your full article. All people are looking for their answer only. If you write an irrelevant paragraph. Then user leaves your website. Due to this you have gone lose traffic.

9. Trending Topics

Have you heard about Google Trend? If no, then go explorer Google Trends. Trust me, if you worried about the topic. Use google trends. It provides you lots of trending topics.
If you start writing articles on trending topics. Then you see your article start rank in google quickly.

10. Unique Article

If you want to rank your website. Write a unique article. Don't copy and paste an article from other websites. You can take ideas from your opponent's website.

Share your thoughts with others. Write articles on trending topics. I hope, now you understand. Some common blogging mistakes.

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