7 Keyword Research Tips to Improve your SEO

 In this post, I am going to tell you about keyword research. Keyword research is important for advanced blogging strategies. Integrating a keyword hierarchy strategy for optimal, long-term SEO success.

Always try to place your keyword. Don't try to stuff more unnecessary keywords. Because keyword stuffing affects the ranking of your site.

The good news is, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is easy and you don’t need to be an SEO blogging master.

If you used WordPress for blogging. Then you should need to know that WordPress provides lots of plugins. These plugins guide you all-time in your SEO.

I’ll be honest, I don’t go overboard with my SEO tactics. Instead, I tend to stick to a few tried and true long-term strategies. That results inconsistent. Repeat traffic that increases over time with little more effort. The first of these strategies is keyword research and keyword implementation strategy.

Keyword Research

Have you researched keywords before writing a post? If No, then you need to research the keywords and choose the right keywords.

Most bloggers know this but, the majority of bloggers don’t know that how you apply those keywords. Keywords placement can also make a huge difference in your blog’s traffic.

There are many keyword research tools available these days. These tools not only allow you to research keyword trends. But also features stats for estimating per click earnings. Commercial opportunity value etc. While these stats can fluctuate. It’s still helpful to decide if you’d rather target those keywords or not.

If you cant buy paid tools, then you can also use google ads, Keyword Planner. It provides you keyword difficulty and search volume and so on details free of cost.
While these won’t give you all the statistics, they can use to guestimate your options until you’re ready to move up.

Put in place Your  Researched Keyword

1. Learn to identify the right keywords.

Let’s say there are 50k monthly searches for the phrase, “Apkfear.” 

You are better off writing your post to target the keyword phrase “Apkfear”. Try to use related keywords also like "About Apkfear".  It should go without saying that if you’re writing about this topic. This is an easy example. But believe me, when I say, I talk to plenty of bloggers who are writing the equal keyword. When going for "Apkfear" as their keyword target. They make more profit.

2. Make a list of your targeted keyword phrases.

Main reasons for doing this. You can track these all time. Sometimes it’s helpful to be able to review keyword stats over time. It also helps to see if spikes in traffic are permanent or temporary.

After all, the 100k monthly reader stats for “Apkfear” was only the result of last month. It’s also helpful to see when trends are shifting. Use all these keywords on your post.

3. Take that list of keywords, and create a category for each in your blog.

With similar keyword phrases. Select the most searched phrase rather than listing all.

4. Web Page Rank

For this next step, it’s important to know that web pages rank with search engines, not websites. Once you understand that, you know why it’s important to create a hierarchy. Not only on all your pages but particularly within your blog posts. Why? Many reasons. You want incoming links from both the web and within your own site, all telling the search engines.
How to  Write one post for each keyword in your list.

These called, the pillar articles or primary posts. Drop each one in the appropriate category, or many categories if appropriate. Title it exactly as it reads in the list. 

I will actually create an empty post, with the title and my SEO details filled out to get the ball rolling. I then go back later and write the actual article. We all know Google loves fresh content and this includes updates. Updated pages score well with Google. So I like to keep an updated list of all my primary posts, or mark them somehow and update them now and then. From this point on, your goal is to get each of these pillar articles to rank first for their keyword phrase.

5. Interlinks

Interlink your blog’s pages to push your pillar articles to rank first. Avoid linking necessary pages with each other. Because irrelevant linking affects your ranking.

6. Supporting articles

Your pillar articles are good to go now. It’s time for all those other posts, which we’ll call supporting articles or supporting posts. Supporting articles are not named exactly as the keyword phrases. But instead, named with the same keywords as the pillar articles. But titled all keywords in that post. Now the related keywords from your list used within the article. It pointed to the pillar article, helping it to rise in the Google Ranking.

7. File your supporting and pillar articles under the appropriate category

Remember your categories and Pillar articles will have the same names. Category pages, Tags, etc, should all made up of words from your keyword list. Remember, when a category created. It is its own page giving you yet another page with the appropriate keyword phrase in the title. Since this page also contains links to your pillar page. This is an example of how well your site will now interlinked.

This is a starting point for SEO your blog. From here, there are hundreds. If not thousands of ways to maximize your SEO efforts. This allows you to both divide and focus. Divide, meaning you can go for dozens of keywords. And hundreds or even thousands. Focus, meaning you are not SEO every page on your site, but rather only the pillar articles.

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